#include #include #define EQ 10 float truncate(float, int); void show(float eq[EQ][EQ+1], int); void main(void) { float eq[EQ][EQ+1], var[EQ]; float sum; int n; clrscr(); do { printf("Enter the no. of variables(Less than %d) :",EQ); n=getche(); n-=0x30; }while(n<1 || n>EQ); for(int j=0; j-1E-6) eq[j][col] = truncate(eq[j][col], 6); } } } printf("\n\nThe Upper Triangular Matrix Is: "); show(eq, n); puts("\n\n"); while(!kbhit() ); //do nothing while. getch(); // BLOCK TO FIND OUT THE VARIABLE START { var[n-1]=eq[n-1][n] / eq[n-1][n-1]; for(int it=0; it